Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We Can't Stop

The author of the song, There is Just One Way, delivered to man a powerful message. I really don’t think James Rowe would realize how far the world would have gone when he penned these words in 1920. It was a time known as the “roaring 20’s” for its rapid technological advances, electricity, prosperity, social clubs, idolization of sports personalities, and celebrity worship. The French called it the “crazy years.” Even so, I don’t think he would have thought about “entertainers” such as Lady Gaga being almost naked and performing on an awards show for all the world to see nor do I think he would envision a former child star, Miley Cyrus, preaching morals and integrity to little girls moving to a position where she sings a song about drugs (Molly is slang for ecstasy, the so called date rape drug), drinking, homosexuality, partying and sex while saying “we can’t stop” and “twerking” (provocative movement that simulates sexual activity) while almost naked and using both people and props to show vulgar sexual activity. No! I doubt the author had the slightest idea of how far the morality of our nation would fall.

The words to There is Just One Way are encouraging to the child of God:

There are many paths through this world of sin, But there’s only one I shall travel in; ’Tis the old Cross Road, or the way called “Straight” — There is just one way to the pearly gate.

Refrain: There is just one way to the pearly gate, To the crown of life and the friends who wait; ’Tis the old Cross Road, or the way called “Straight” — There is just one way to the pearly gate.

There are some who sneer at the old Cross Road, At the pearly gate and the soul’s abode; Yet I mind them not, but, with happy song. And assurance sweet, still I press along.

Others risk their souls on some new-made way, Thinking they will come to the gate some day; Oh, may they find out, ere their lives are done, That the old Cross Road is the only one.

Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus may push the homosexual agenda, the party lifestyle, drinking, promiscuity and drugs. They may say that they can do what they want and they can’t stop in their behavior and that it isn’t our business what they do in the first place. However, they are wrong in their lifestyle choices and they are wrong in trying to promote this sinful behavior.

What we must do is stand in opposition to the ways of the world and preach that there is only one way to live that is pleasing in the sight of God and that will get us to life in heaven. There is just one way to go to heaven and that way is Jesus Christ our Lord.

We can’t stop telling others about Jesus who died to save their souls. We can’t stop telling others about forgiveness available to those who repent and come home. We can’t stop telling others about the fellowship we share as Christians in the body of Christ, the church. We can’t stop telling others about how our homes can be a wonderful blessing when they follow the will of God. We can’t stop telling others about how marriage can be great when we follow God’s plan. We can’t stop telling others about how our lives can be the salt and shining light that can help others to know Christ and bring glory to God. We can’t stop standing on the B I B L E. We can’t stop putting on the whole armor of God. We can’t stop fighting in the Christian army. WE CAN’T STOP!!!

I hope and pray that we stop being passive, quiet, and almost apologetic in our faith in Christ. It is time, past time, that we stand up and fight for the Lord. The world is in all out war against us. Stand up and fight for Jesus! Souls are at stake! Let’s help them know the truth!

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