Sunday, September 8, 2013

Psalm 3 - Trust in the Lord

From time to time, problems and the stresses in life get to us. When we are discouraged, it is common for us to hang our heads. Rather than moping around, let us understand that the Lord is our shield and He will lift up our heads (v.3). The Lord is our source of encouragement.

There are times when we feel like we are under attack. We may be afraid and unsure of ourselves or our future. In the last few weeks, with my health issues and suffering a heart attack, there were many fears and most of the things I struggled with in my mind were things that I couldn’t do anything about. But one thing I knew. Like David, I knew where to turn. I too “cried to the Lord with my voice” (v.4). Things were happening to me that are beyond my knowledge. I met new doctors, nurses, technicians, EMT’s and so many more whom I did not know. But I know God who does have the knowledge and He is the one who is really in control. So I prayed and I am confident He heard me, and I am thankful for it.

There are also times in life when no matter what we do, everything seems to blow up in our faces. After a steady diet of failure, our appetites begin to fail us. Nothing seems to satisfy our cravings. When we lay down at night, we don’t get any rest. The good news is that the Lord sustains us (v.5). He provides me with rest and satisfaction from hunger (Matthew 11:28-30; 5:6). He provides the spiritual and physical needs we have when we put Him first (Matthew 6:33).

We probably do not have ten thousands of people (or our children) against us to kill us and take our position, like David. We may not have to flee for our lives and worry about what might happen in our sleep. Even so, we all have times when we struggle with things of this world. I assure you that on my first night home from the hospital, I was a little fearful to go to sleep. I had been taken care of every moment of the day for 6 days straight by some of the best people I have ever met (Hendrix Hospital). And now, I had to go to sleep at home, without a blood pressure cuff, IV ports, someone checking my blood sugar every couple hours and administering meds and being hooked up to machines measuring every process of my heart. Like David I prayed, “Save me, O my God!” In Him, I could rest.

The true source of encouragement, rest and spiritual fulfillment is found in the salvation of the Lord (v.8). Without the Lord, we are lost and have no hope. The good news is that Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). There is no other name wherein we can be saved (Acts 4:12). If you are searching for encouragement, rest, sustaining power, and salvation, they are found in the Lord. No matter what you may be going through, there is hope. No matter how difficult your battle, God can deliver you. If I can help you meet the Lord, let me know. It will save your life and give you a new heart.

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