This has been an amazing week. The week was filled with celebration in our country. In our household, we celebrate the birthday of our precious daughter, Brooke, who turned 18 on Wednesday. We plan to celebrate with her this weekend. On Sunday, the president was sworn into office officially and then on Monday, the public inauguration was held for all the world to see. On Monday, Martin Luther King was celebrated for his contributions to civil rights. Regardless of your view of either man, their politics, or their voice in this world, you must admit that the celebrations were amazing. There were celebrities singing and offering their support. There were parties and balls. Every news media on TV, in print, online, or on radio covered the events, hanging on every word. It was all very exciting. However, Tuesday was a much different day.
Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. On Tuesday, I searched the news media on TV trying to find all the special reports and special programing. Certainly we would have special panels assembled to discuss the ruling and its effects all these years later. Surely, something as dramatic as 55,000,000+ babies being killed would be a top story on each of the networks. No! That is not what I found. The top stories were about whether or not some of the entertainers were actually singing or if they were moving their lips to a prerecorded tract. They were concerned with Phil Mickelson complaining about his taxes. They were discussing McDonalds having to pay $700k in damages, Lance Armstrong cheating, Manti Te’o and his fake girlfriend, and Casey Anthony beating the system. There was one network that spent much of the time reflecting on the presidents speech, in particular his promotion of homosexuality (this upsets us as well—1 Cor. 6:9,10; Rom. 1:22-32). There was very little was said about Roe v. Wade or abortion. On the local news, I found out about a small rally in Dallas but even then the reporter was almost apologetic that he brought it up and stated that most Americans want to keep abortion legal (He said 70%, but I couldn’t find supporting documentation for his stat and I doubt it is accurate or trustworthy. Regardless, the fact that anyone approves of abortion is a tragedy. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you” (Jer. 1:5). Life begins in the womb!).
Where is the outrage at 4,000 babies killed every day in the US and over 115,000 killed every day worldwide? Where is the discussion of life, morality, and faithfulness to God?
The Bible is filled with examples of broken hearted individuals when facing the world and its antagonism. David declared, “I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with weeping. My eye wastes away because of grief…” (Ps. 6:6,7—ESV). He was asking for relief and deliverance from God because of the enemies around him. Jeremiah wrote about the false prophet saying, “My heart is broken within me, all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, like a man overcome by wine...Their course is evil, and their might is not right. Both prophet and priest are ungodly; even in my house I have found their evil…” (Jer. 23:9-11). Our hearts should be broken at the position of our country and enemies and leaders taking us further down the path of sin.
Instead, our hearts should be broken at the loss of life. When Jacob died, even the Egyptians wept for 70 days out of respect for Joseph (Gen. 50:3). When we reflect on the millions upon millions of lives that have been lost to abortion in this world, surely we must weep covering our pillows, shaking in our bones, and keep on weeping day after day.
It is not enough to weep. We must get to work. We need to pray to God for our leaders to do the right thing (1 Tim. 2:1ff). We must pray seeking God’s help in our time of need (Heb. 4:14-16; 1 Pet. 5:7). We must study so that we know the truth, can properly discern the truth, and can defend the truth (1 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:15). We must stand up for the defenseless and fight for the blessing of life (Ps. 127). We have the opportunity in this country to speak up, to vote, and to get involved. Let us not sit idly by while we have a chance to change the world. What the world needs now is God. The world needs to know about Christ and His salvation. If the world knew Christ, it wouldn’t matter about politics, skin color, financial standing, or nationality, we would do what is right in God’s sight and abortion would be no more. Brethren, we must let our lights shine brightly bringing glory to God and the world to Christ!
Denny Wilson
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