The Bible is filled with examples of those who rose early in the morning to do the will of the Lord: Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Hannah, Samuel, and David. There are also many who rose early in the morning to do evil, such as worship Baal or drinking intoxicating beverages. Jesus was taken from Caiaphas to the Praetorium during his unlawful trial, early in the morning. The ladies came to the tomb to see Jesus early in the morning. The apostles were preaching and teaching in the temples and synagogues early in the morning. There is much that can be done early in the morning, both good and bad.
Christians are to follow the example of Christ (1 Peter 2:21). He set the example for us in how we should pray. He prayed at His baptism (Luke 3:21). He prayed before His arrest in the garden (Matthew 26:36). He prayed on the cross. He prayed in the evening (Matthew 14:23). He prayed with the little children (Matthew 19:13). He prayed on the mountain. He often prayed in the wilderness (Luke 5:16). He spent all night in prayer (Luke 6:12). He prayed alone. He prayed with the disciples. He prayed at His transfiguration (Luke 9:29). He prayed before meals. He prayed before selecting the apostles. He prayed for the disciples and all who would follow Him (John 17). Jesus spent much time in prayer.
Jesus also prayed early in the morning. In Mark 1:35, we read, “And in the morning, a great while before day, He rose up and went out, and departed into a desert place, and there prayed” (ASV). One of the reasons for this prayer was that He was going to be preaching the gospel (v.38,39).
Long before daylight, Jesus was deep in prayer to the Father. This demonstrates the importance of prayer in the life of Christ.
In our lives today, there are many things that we do early in the morning. We will get up early to get a head start on work. We will rise up early to go on vacation, hunting, fishing, shopping, or to a special event. If you are an early riser, you might get up early, read the paper, drink a pot of coffee and be out of the house before the sun comes up. Others may be night owls and stay up late at night to carry out the same goals. The point is that there are certain things in life that motivate us to either get up early in the morning or stay up late at night. When we are motivated to use our time in a special way, we will do whatever it takes to accomplish our goals.
There is a lesson to learn from the great example of Christ in getting up early, long before daylight. Brethren, if we love God and look forward to the day of work and service to the Lord, we will take time out of each day to go to God in prayer. In our world today, many call this “quiet time.” Let us use our quiet time with God effectively.
First, find a place where you can be alone with God. Jesus found places where He could be alone with the Father: on a mountain, in the wilderness, and in the garden. The distractions of the world can keep us from the deep expression of love, heartfelt repentance, and the comfort of God when we cast our cares on our caring Father. Turn off the television, log off the internet, turn off the telephone, and dedicate some time to the Lord. Early or late, take time for God.
Second, before making the difficult decisions in this life or when great burdens are upon you, go to the Father in prayer. Jesus prayed in the garden before His arrest, before selecting the apostles, before beginning His work on earth, and when His work was finished. Yet, today, it seems so many make their decisions and plan their lives without a thought about God and His will for our lives (James 4:13-16). Many stressful days lead to long sleepless nights. Open your heart in prayer to the Lord. He will bear your burdens.
Third, once you have prayed, get up and get to work for the Lord. Jesus, after His early morning of prayer, declared, “Let us go elsewhere into the next towns, that I may preach there also; for to this end came I forth.” Then Jesus went into the synagogues throughout all Galilee preaching the gospel (Mark 1:38,39). You have heard the saying, “Pray as though everything depends on God and work as though everything depends on you.”
Pray to God and work with faith that God will hear and answer your prayers.
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