Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Humble Servants (Psalm 10)

The wicked persecute the poor, appear to be prosperous, and generally think they will never have a problem in this world (v.1-11). It seems that around every corner that there are those who are looking to take advantage of those in need. Sadly, there are also those who through fraud take advantage of those with big hearts making it harder to get help for those truly in need. The Christian cannot let these problems distract them from being a good servant of God.

The Lord is King forever and ever (v.16). He will hear the desires of the humble. Humility is a character trait that is lacking but that is much needed in our world. It is important that we consider others above ourselves (Philippians 2:3,4). We must be servants to the world. It is essential that we help our fellowman, especially the fatherless, the oppressed, and the widows (v.18; James 1:27).

Let us humble ourselves before the Lord and He will exalt us (James 4:10). We will not need to be oppressing others to get ahead. We will not have to mistreat anyone by fraud. Fellow citizens, let us help those who are in need with love for their souls and love for the Creator of souls.

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