Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Some believe that thanksgiving had its beginning with the Pilgrims in the Plymouth Colony in 1621. Others believe that thanksgiving had its beginning with the institution of the national holiday by George Washington in 1789. But I suggest to you that thanksgiving had its beginning in the God of heaven.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17,18, we are told to pray without ceasing and in everything to give thanks. The Christian should be thankful for the earthly blessings he has received (Matthew 6:33) and for the spiritual blessings he has received (Ephesians 1:3). The offering of thanks giving to God is not new to the Christian dispensation. The children of Israel were to be thankful for the things God had done for them (1 Chronicles 16:8), for His love for them (1 Chronicles 16:34), for the salvation He provides (1 Chronicles 16:35), for His righteousness (Psalm 7:17), and for His protection (Psalm 28:7).

Christians should count their blessings each day and praise God for His wonderful works. With our whole hearts, let us give thanks to God, praising His glorious name every day for all that He has done for us (Psalm 86:12).

Friends and neighbors we ought to be thankful for our homes, our families, our opportunities to work with our hands, our school system, our medical community, our law enforcement personnel, our postal service, our businesses that provide for our needs, our government that strives to help us live peacefully with protection from the evil doer, and for our country which provides us the opportunities to worship God, praising Him for His marvelous works, in freedom from persecution. Take a moment out of each day to be thankful for the blessings of God: physically and spiritually.

Special Invitation: We would like to invite you to come and worship with us at every opportunity. During the week of Thanksgiving, we will be having our mid-week service on Wednesday night at 7:00. We pray you will come and join us as we will use this hour for singing songs of praise to God, reading Scriptures with reasons for thankfulness, and in prayer thanking God for all that He has done for us.

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